PAA Tamarind Chapter Hosts ICAST 2024
PAA delegates in the ICAST 2024
With the theme, “Digitally Sustaining Our Future: Exploring the Application of Emerging Technologies for Food Security and Sustainability,” the Philippine Association of Agriculturists, Inc. (PAA) Tamarind Chapter hosted the two-day research and innovation symposium on agricultural science last 14-15 March 2024 at the Royce Hotel, Clark, Pampanga.
The International Conference on Agricultural Sciences and Technology (ICAST) 2024 attracted participants from local and international research institutions, LGUs, HEIs and SUCs, and other stakeholders.
Serving as keynote speaker was Dr. Glenn B. Gregorio, Director of the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), who discussed the “Dynamics of Agriculture in ASEAN Setting.”
Invited as plenary speakers on Day 1 were former Department of Agriculture Secretary Dr. William D. Dar; SAFE Network Indonesia Chairperson Dr. Novizar Nazir; GK Aqua Sdn. Bhd. CEO Mr. Giva Kuppusamy, and the Dean for Graduate School of Biological Sciences at Nagoya University Dr. Satoru Tsuchikawa.
In order to promote a sustainable food supply, their lectures paid attention to food security and sustainability as well as industry and other stakeholders’ engagement in the circular economy.
Plenary sessions continued with Dr. Jonathan Aguilar, Associate Professor at Kansas State University who discussed smart irrigation in a water-limited environment. This was followed by Dr. Aldrin E. Badua, Associate Professor at Central Luzon State University on his topic about precision rice seeding systems.
Additionally, Dr. Yi Chun Lin of the National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan delved on the topic, “Updates on Laying Hen Welfare.” Media Specialists and independent consultants on smart agriculture applications and combating climate impact on agriculture production were also invited.
The conference also provided a platform for networking, collaborations, and partnership-building between scientists, industry leaders, and movers in agriculture here and abroad.