A proactive and globally recognized professional organization committed to ensuring distinctive competence of its member for a competitive and sustainable Philippine agriculture.
Promote the agriculture profession among the youth through education, training, and capacity building
Capacitate Philippine agriculturists to proactively address emerging opportunities and challenges in agriculture
Accelerate regional agricultural development through a strong regional presence
Engage professional agriculturists in agricultural advocacy, policy research, and formulation, enterprise-building communications, training, and community development for deeper awareness and understanding of Philippine agriculture
Forge strategic alliances and partnerships with local and international institutions and professional organizations in agriculture
Purposes of the Association
1. To create an independent, strong, cohesive, responsive, and viable professional organization that is managed by National Professional Organizations representing different fields of specialization in Agriculture for the purpose of supporting initiatives to develop and modernize the agriculture sector;
2. To serve as the Accredited Integrated Professional Organization that will represent the agriculture profession to PRC.
3. To unite all member-graduates in Agriculture and related fields into a single vibrant body capable of playing important roles in the continuing growth and development of the intellectual, social, and physical well-being of its members to achieve professional excellence and leadership in the field of Agriculture and its related sciences;
4. To organize associations, federations, chambers, and other forms of organization to promote its objectives;
5. To liaise with various government and private offices for the purpose of representing the interest of the profession and organization;
6. To foster the spirit of camaraderie, and cooperation among the members of the association in order to serve the best interests of the state and public in general, and the PAA members in particular;
7. To coordinate and harmonize the implementation of various programs, projects, and activities among the PAA members, academic institutions, NGOs, and concerned government agencies;
8. To initiate and work for the passage of necessary legislations as well as rules, regulations, orders, and policies intended for the development and enhancement of the practice of the Agriculture profession;
9. To serve as a forum for airing the development concerns and problems of PAA members so they can be brought to the proper institutions or agencies that can judiciously act on them;
10. To document, monitor, evaluate, and communicate scientific and technical data;
11. To cooperate and coordinate with local, national, or international agencies and organizations, either government or non-government, in generating or soliciting funds and resources, or other amenities to achieve the objectives of the association ;
12. To engage in lawful fundraising activities for the association to finance activities or projects that can enhance the continuing professional education of PAA members and other activities that are supportive of its purposes;
13. To help and assist PAA members in availing scholarships, research grants, training programs, and other similar endeavors both here and abroad;
14. To engage in Research and Development programs, projects, and/or activities in support of the national agenda of the government on rural development through extension, education, communication, and training; build and harness the talents and potentials of women and youth for community development;
15. To enter into contracts, lease agreements, or otherwise deal with the government or any of its instrumentalities, or any person, firm, association, partnership or corporation that are essential for any of the purposes of the association, and to obtain from ·the government or any authority any or all rights, privileges, subsidies, gifts, franchises, permits, charters, grants relating to or for the promotion, protection, or implementation of the purposes provided herein; and
16. Generally, to do all such things, transact such activities, exercise such powers and authority as may be directly or indirectly necessary, suitable or proper for the accomplishment of any of the purposes or the attainment of objects herein enumerated or which shall appear at anytime expedient for the association.
PAA Documents
Office Staff
Theresa A. Carpio
Executive Assistant
Jeremiah R. Lasprillas