Types of Members
Regular Members
Individuals who have a Professional License in Agriculture and have complied with all the requirements for membership as set forth in the By-laws.
Associate Members
Those individuals who have a Baccalaureate Degree in Agriculture and/or its allied sciences and are involved in agriculture-related development activities. An associate member may become a regular member by securing a professional license in agriculture.
Life Members
These are regular members who are at least 55 years old, has been paying the annual dues regularly for the past 5 years, and paid the one-time life membership fee.
Institutional Members
Affiliated organizations whether private or public who are supportive of the objectives of the association and have paid the annual institutional membership dues.
Download Criteria for Institutional and Honorary Membership
Honorary Members
These are deserving citizens who have shown outstanding achievements in the field of agriculture whether in public service or private practice. The nomination can come from any member of PAA.
Download Criteria for Institutional and Honorary Membership